Walz Scale’s volume loader scanner field tests underway

| December 2, 2014

Walz Portable Load Scanner

Walz Portable Load Scanner

Walz Scale_Load Scanner System

Walz Scale’s field-testing is underway on its WLS Volume Load Scanner or Walz Load Scanner at multiple locations. The field tests are designed to prove the accuracy and reliability of the Walz Load Scanner for managing material volumes excavated and moved by truck. Initial reports indicate that the system provides very accurate reporting of actual carried volumes per truckload with increasingly accurate stockpile inventory tracking.

These field tests will track material loads for earth and crushed stone and are expected to prove the exceptional benefits of cost savings and overall improved accuracies of incorporating the Walz Load Scanner to earth moving projects versus a standard truck scale or manned survey.

All Walz Load Scanners systems operate with the Payload Pro Operating System allowing for operations to run the system from a variety of platforms from tablet devices and touch screen kiosks, to standard laptops.

This reporting software provides managers with real time data and tools to better manage their operation and make improved decisions to improve overall productivity and throughput.

Critical data like real-time stockpile inventories, material and truck load data, even cycle time data is tracked and reported through this software. Data can be stored and accessed remotely the company’s web-based cloud system delivering access to managers from any location with an Internet connection on their smartphones or tablets.

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